Bear Creek is a nationally recognized school for academic achievement and growth. The school’s community is strong and committed to developing resilient, curious, and emotionally intelligent kids through rich learning experiences. Teachers create engaging, inclusive, and safe classrooms. All students are supported to achieve academic success through differentiated instruction and staff collaboration. Subjects are frequently integrated to increase relevancy, connections, and creativity. Bear Creek offers engaging Art, Music, and Physical Education programs, a Gifted and Talented program, in-person accelerated mathematics classes, language services, intervention supports, and a center-based program for autistic students. Parents and community partnerships, including a highly supportive PTO, create opportunities for whole school events (Fall Carnival, Lip Sync, Cultural Festival), and an extensive list of extracurricular activities (Intramurals, Choir/Musical, Math Olympiad, Battle of the Books, and Lifelong Learning classes). Students' love for Bear Creek can be seen on the smiling faces of children arriving at school each morning.
National Blue Ribbon Award Winner
The National Blue Ribbon School award affirms schools where students master challenging content and is based on their overall academic excellence or their progress in closing achievement gaps.
Unique Staff Collaberation
Exciting Technology
While all teachers maintain a balance between off-line and holistic learning opportunities, our one-to-one device initiative means that every student has the technology they need to be successful in the world today.