Parent Dashboard
Welcome Bear Creek Parents & Volunteers!
Every student's success is rooted in support from home and we are so happy to have you on our team!
Parents are a vital part of our school's success. Research shows a high correlation between parent involvement in their students education and their future achievements, both academic and social.
Bear Creek has a wide variety of opportunities for parent involvement, from volunteering in the classroom or library to serving on one of our volunteer committees such as crossing guards, staff appreciation, Walk to School, PTO, SAC, District Accountability Council (DAC), District Parent Council (DPC) and many more. To volunteer you must also follow the appropriate Volunteer/Security protocols. Please review these procedures to Volunteer. To view volunteer opportunities at BCE, please go to HelpAtSchool or speak with your teacher directly.
Teachers communicate volunteer opportunities during Back to School Night so please make sure to attend this event otherwise contact your teacher directly to find out what opportunities might be available.
Parents and visitors are welcome at Bear Creek but must follow the appropriate BVSD Security protocols that have been implemented.
All guests must stand in front of the AiPhone/Camera outside of school and ring the buzzer. The Office staff reserves the right to ask for identification and the reason for you needing to enter the building. Please remove hats and sunglasses before ringing the buzzer. Upon approval to enter the building, the Visitor mus sign in and wear a visitor/guest badge. The staff will unlock the door for your entry into the school. Upon leaving the school, visitors must sign out.
Tours are given by appointment between the hours of 9:30 AM -11:00 AM or 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM. Please contact the Registrar at 720.561.3500 to schedule a time. Because of our open concept, please be courteous if we walk through classrooms.
- School Hours & Closures
- Attendance & Absences
- School & District Directories
- School Online Parent Resources
- Bear Creek Handbook
- Bear Creek "R O C K S"
- Volunteering @ Bear Creek
- Bear Creek PTO
- Class Supplies
School Hours & Closures
Attendance & Absences
School & District Directories
School Online Parent Resources
Bear Creek Handbook
Bear Creek "R O C K S"
Volunteering @ Bear Creek
Bear Creek PTO
Class Supplies
School Calendar
Volunteering for Halloween Parade & Parties
Volunteering with the 5th Grade State Capital trip
Volunteering on "Stone Soup" Day